All posts tagged iracing

March 2020 update

As with any freelancer in any industry, this is going to be a challenging time. If you are in a position to help any freelancer or local business, please do. The local shops and businesses are going to need your support, now, and after the virus passes.

The big companies and banks will largely survive. In many countries, the offers for self-employed are non existent, minimal or only available if you close your business down.

Time will tell how we, as a famiy, do, we currently have our health which is the main thing and Canada seems to be relatively pro-active on action plans.

My 2020 didn’t start well as I injured my back and shoulder through work (!) and bast posture over the years which wrote off most of February with countless tripes to the Chiropractor and Massage specialists. Just as I’m getting back to full time COVID-19 kicks in, so I’m on the back foot.

I would therefore like a refund on my 2020 experience please. It was not as described 😉

Many of my clients have been awesome, both while I was out of action with my back and now, chasing invoicing.

So, the realities, Racing has been posponed. This has a knock on effect on current work, but also future projects as teams struggle to survive.

Time to diversify.

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